Are you all set for Thanksgiving? We are traveling about 80 miles to my family’s in Ogden, Utah. I love this time of year. I love the family get-togethers and the coziness of the season. It’s the time of year for lots and lots of parties. Church parties, work parties, family parties to name a few. These Sweet and Sour Glazed Party Bites are perfect for any party as an appetizer. They also would be a delicious dinner served over hot rice.


This is a wonderful cookbook! It includes categories like Breakfast with Santa, Sledding Party Warmers, Old-Fashioned Christmas Dinner and Tree-Trimming Treats. There is also a section called Coming Home For Christmas which are people’s Christmas memories. I love love that section.

These are a quick and easy appetizer since the recipe calls for frozen meatballs which you can buy already made. Be sure to serve these this season at any party you go to. You can also sub mini smoked sausages for the meatballs if you want.

Sweet and Sour Glazed Party Bites
Author: Mandy Bird
Serves: 8
- 1 C. pineapple juice
- ½ C. vinegar
- 3 Tbsp. flour
- 2 tsp. dry mustard
- 1 C. brown sugar
- 16 oz. package frozen meatballs, thawed or 14 oz. package mini smoked sausages
- In a large saucepan, mix all ingredients except meatballs or sausages.
- Bring to a boil over medium heat; cook, stirring frequently until thickened.
- Add meatballs or sausages; stir to coat and simmer until heated through. These may be kept warm in a slow cooker on low setting.
MY FAVORITE CHRISTMAS MEMORY , Was the morning we woke up to 5 bikes of every size in our living room with bikes . I am one of 5 children , only girl with 4 brothers . Mom and dad didn't have much money , but dad bought 5 used bikes , sanded , painted them , and put a bow on them for us to wake up to . So each of us got a new bike on Christmas morning and were thrilled .
I have a Christmas memory where I found a bunch of WEEBLES houses under the tree! I felt like I had hit the jackpot! I loved those Weebles…. that was about 40 years ago!
Our family used to tell an original story together each year. We had so much fun just letting our imaginations go!
My favorite Christmas memory is the year that my dad built an ice skating rink in our backyard. He laid down tarps and put 2/4's around the edge, and then every night and every morning he sprayed it down. My grandma gave my brother and I ice skates that year for Christmas, so we had so much fun spending HOURS out there. My dad also had ice skates and he taught us how to play hockey, how to
Haha, one of my Christmas' that stands out is when we woke up Christmas Eve to my moms brand new dishwasher leaked and the kitchen was flooded with VERY cold water we had to wade in to and mop up….the other one was when I got my first electric shaver….LOL<br />
sorry my email address is for the previous comment 🙂
I remember making tons of homemade candy with my mom (fundge, peanut brittle, bon bons, caramels, etc.) and then delivering them to friends and neighbors—-their eyes would light up when they saw their plate of goodies! <br />
This seems easy and delicious. Serve on top of fried rice or fried rice noodle, should be really good. I have lots of good Christmas memories, when I was a kid, always hang socks in my bed room during Christmas Eve, the next day wake up, I get some tiny presents in those socks. Of course I knew those presents are not from Santa clause but from my dad. But still really happy, kids like presents,