This giveaway is closed.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to show those who are near and dear just how much you care with a treat straight from the heart and fresh from the oven! New Valentine’s Day Pillsbury® Ready to Bake!™ Shape® Cookies will fill your home with love and now the magic of Disney®. Whether you bake these cookies for, or with your loved ones, Pillsbury Ready to Bake Shape Cookies are perfect for bringing those you love most together on Valentine’s Day!
One of you will win the following:
Cookie Jar
oven mitt
coupon for 1 free package of Ready-to-Bake! Cookies
Don’t want to wait? Go HERE to print a $1.10 off coupon
Here’s the details:
1. Leave a comment telling me how you plan on spending your Valentine’s Day.
2. Like me on Facebook
That’s it. Just leave a seperate comment on this post telling me each thing.
Giveaway goes until Saturday 2/11 and I will announce the winner Sunday 2/12.
Be sure to leave your email address in the comment so I can contact you.
This giveaway is sponsered by Pillsbury through MyBlogSpark.
Of course I "Like" you on Face Book! :)<br /><br />
For V-Day this year we are supporting our local High School Seniors who are doing a Prime rib Dinner for a fundraiser. (Prime Rib is my FAVORITE!!)<br /><br /><br />
cheerleading for my daughter and then something simple for dinner. It's my hubby and my anniversary so we will probably go out this weekend<br />
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I'm planning to just make a nice dinner, and maybe a red dessert of some sort, and watch a good love story!!
I'll probably just fix a nice dinner with brownies for dessert.
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I don't know why I didn't see this. Thanks Mandy.<br />I already 'like' you on Facebook. That's how I found you.<br />I plan to have lunch on Valentines Day at church with a group of friends. No other plans for the day.<br />Pat Morse<br />
Our daughter has her four month check up so we are going to take her to that and grab a Valentine lunch afterwards while my mom has the boys. We are also going to a marriage conference this weekend as part of our Valentines
My plans are to help prepare and serve lunch to some of the senior citizens from my church. No one needs to be alone on such a special day. LOVE ONE ANOTHER….
My husband and I don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day. BUT this year I was thinking of making a sweet desert and getting a bottle of wine and a movie. Simple and sweet!
For Valentine's Day I will just get my son some chocolates and help him make cards for his classmates at school.<br />reklaw422 at hotmail dot com
I like you on facebook.<br />reklaw422 at hotmail dot com
I plan on spending it with my family. Thanks for the chance to enter.<br /><br />Andrea D.<br />
I am a facebook fan of yours. Thanks for the chance to enter.<br /><br />Andrea D.<br />
A Valentine's date at our favorite restaurant in Little Italy…
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I always celebrate Valentine's by getting my children a small box of chocolates and give them a homemade Valentine card!
Facebook fan
Valentine's Day is special for both my husband and me but also we spend some time with our two children. They fill my heart with much love and so we will make a special dinner and probably a nice dessert. Just being all together is enough for us.
We will be doing something low-key at home…I have a date all planned out 🙂 Some Love-Love Teriyaki take-out (one of our favorites), a movie, and some yummy "Love Potion" floats.<br /><br />elizabethharrison07 at gmail dot com
I'm a fan on facebook!<br /><br />elizabethharrison07 at gmail dot com
For Valentines day, we havent planned anything as of yet. We have a family member that is sick and this valentines day will be just another day for us.We got to take care of family first. I would love to win the pillsbury gift.I have a dough boy blanket,dough boy cookie jar, I love pillsbury.
I am spending it with my family. A good homemade pizza, and a movie !!
I will spend Valentine's day doing things I love…calling my sons, having a cup of tea, reading a good book..<br /><br />Vicki<br />
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I like to spend Valentine's day at a restaurant with family.
I like you on FB…love you really:)<br /><br />
For Valentines, the kiddos and I are going to make daddy a "fancy" dinner complete with choc covered strawberries and candlelight:)<br /><br />
Hi Mandy – what a nice giveaway! I sure could use that oven mitt! Hubby has a dr. appt. that day so we will go to lunch in the 'city'…that's a big deal when you live in a rural area. =)
I like you at FB…and away from FB too. *-*
I am baking cupcakes and handing them out to neighbors and such.<br /><br />God Bless~<br />Debbie
Yes I like you on FB!!!<br /><br />God Bless~<br />Debbie
I plan on making a red themed dinner for my husband and kids. I also plan to go to my children's elementary school for their valentines day dance and chaperone.
i liked you on facebook also. my email is
going out to dinner with dh<br />thanks<br />
like u on fb Julie A Scott Laws<br />
Well since I have two beautiful children we will probably all go out to eat. But this weekend me and the hubby are going to a truck dance that raises money for the VFD in my town.<br />
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valentine's day: kids will go to school; i'll go to work; hubby will go to work; we'll have a candlelight family dinner at the end of the day ~ probably a cheap steak, since we all love us some meat.
i liked you on facebook, too! ;)<br /><br />
I plan on spending the evening watching movies with my family :)<br /><br />jenny_anwar at
I like you on fb. Jenny 'Lemke' Anwar<br /><br />jenny_anwar at
This year, I'm spending valentines day cooking for my boyfriend. Nothing too crazy 🙂
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I plan on spending Valentine's Day at work :(<br />
Dinner with hubby and some champagne.
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I like you on facebook.
I plan on spending valentine's day with my kids and grandkids.
How did I miss this?<br />We are headed to IKEA the day after Valentines!!!!
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Probably will be eating pizza and watching a romantic comedy.<br /><br />karin56381 (at)
like you on Fb (Karin A-g)<br /><br /><br />karin56381 (at)
A quiet day/nite with my husband
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I'm spending Valentines Day with my kiddos and my hubby. I think I'll make that yummy Symphony fudge just to show them how sweet they are to me 🙂