This giveaway is closed.
I am excited for this giveaway! Gold Medal is sponsoring this giveaway through MyBlogSpark.
I am excited for this giveaway! Gold Medal is sponsoring this giveaway through MyBlogSpark.
Unlike most whole wheat flours that are made from hard red spring wheat, Gold Medal White Whole Wheat flour is made with hard white spring wheat. So, it’s whole grain, but with a similar taste and texture to all-purpose white flour.
Perfect for family favorite recipes like breads, pizza dough, cookies, muffins and brownies, Gold Medal White Whole Wheat flour bakes up golden and has a milder flavor than baked goods made with regular whole wheat flour.
Start by simply substituting whole wheat white flour for 25 to 50 percent of the recipe’s flour content.
You may wish to add an extra tablespoon or two of the liquid used in the recipe when substituting Gold Medal White Whole Wheat flour or decrease the amount of flour by one to two tablespoon for recipes that call for all-purpose flour.
One of you will win a package containing the following:
A VIP coupon for a sample of Gold Medal White Whole Wheat Flour
Instructions for conversion
Recipe Cards
Cookie Jar
Simply leave a comment with your email address telling me what recipe you would substitute this flour in. Feel free to leave a link or the recipe as well.
Giveaway ends Sunday 9/18 at midnight Mountain Time.
I would try it for our fried chicken! Might as well make it a little healthier lol
We make a lot of pizza dough around here. So if I can sneak some extra goodness into it I do. This flour would be great for that. BTW, I only use Gold Medal flour for all my baking. Their bread flour rocks!<br />Karen in NE Indiana
I love white whole wheat flour! We've been using the King Arthur variety for 4 years now in place of our all-purpose flour. It is truly the best. My husband recently told me about Gold Medal's version and I am excited about this one b/c it's a local company for us and it's cheaper than KA. I can't wait to try it and see how it compares in our pancake recipe.
I'd love to try this! The first recipe I would use it in is my Raisin cookies;
I have never tried whole wheat flour, so I think my first try would be in my pie dough that I make for those yummy fall apple pies that everyone makes me make every year.
Wonderful giveaway & thanks to you for offering it. I would add whole wheat flour to my recipe for Pumpkin Cookies. <br /><br />" Pumpkin Cookies" -(store in the Frig-for best taste after baked)<br /> <br />Dry ingredients are as follows::<br /> <br />2 & 1/3 cups of All Purpose Flour<br />3/4 teaspoon Baking Soda<br />3/4 teaspoon Salt<br />3/4 cup of Granulated Sugar<br />1
I do make pizza dough quite often so I would like to give this a try. Also maybe when I bread porkchops or chicken…thanks…
I would sub it in my chocolate chip cookies, make them a little more healthy. Shhh! don't tell my kiddos
Oh I would love to try it in my Homemade Bagels and Apple Fritters!<br /><br />Thanks Mandy!
Wow! Giveaway's Galore! Love it! I would love to try this because I make my own homemade pizza dough and I worry about always using white flour. I add whole wheat flour every once in a while and it just doesn't go well. I'd love to try the whole wheat and see if it could trick my family.
Peanutbutter cookies.<br /><br />Amber<br />
I would like to try it in pancakes.<br />Thank you for the chance to try to win some Gold Medal white whole wheat flour.<br />
I haven't seen this on the store shelves…but can't remember to look, but think it's a terrific idea. I would use it in a pizza dough recipe. And would be SO excited to win that coupon.
I would use this in my mom's sugar cookie or snickerdoodle recipe<br />thanks<br />
How cute is that?! Adorable! I'd make some new bread in my Pampered Chef deep covered baker :)<br /><br /><br />Jennifer
I would substitute this flour in pizza dough 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!<br /><a href="" rel="nofollow">theluckyladybug[at]gmail[dot]com</a>
The first recipe I would use this flour in is my favorite cookie recipe, oatmeal raisin cookies!<br />
So excited to see that GM now has this flour. I too have used KA's for a few years and love it. Can't wait to try this. :)<br /><br />Pizza dough and cookies are naturals for it.<br /><br />Love the cookie jar, so cute!<br /><br />KathyP in Michigan
What a fun giveway. I am so glad to see they are using white wheat as a substitute for plain white flour. I already use white wheat mixed with white flour. I love the way it makes my cookies taste. <br />
I have a recipe for cookies that would take to white whole wheat well, I think…it has 4 kinds of dried fruit in it, so it's already healthy-ish.<br />Jeanne in Toledo<br />jburton1114 at gmail
I'd Love to substitute White Whole Wheat Flour in my Pumkin Bars recipe, I just know it would be yummy=)<br />Lethea<br />Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I'd love to try this. Sneaky, sneaky on my kiddo! I also just found a wheat bread recipe I'm wanting to try and this would be awesome, I bet.
I would use it in my chocolate chip cookie recipe!