Just in time for the new year: 60 Healthy Recipes to keep you on track. You are sure to find some great new recipes to add to your recipe collection!
I have some of the most talented blogging friends as you can see from this delicious, healthy recipe collection. When you pin these recipes, please click on the recipe you like and pin from there. Or you can simply pin the image above as the whole collection. Happy browsing!

I keep seeing that taco soup everywhere. I guess its a sign that I need to make it!
Definitely give it a go!
Thanks so much for sharing this! I am always looking for healthy snacks and meals to cook up 🙂
Nice group of recipes. Keeping us healthy in 2015!
You have some of the most wonderful recipes! Thank you so much for sharing.
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This is a great round up Mandy! Thanks for featuring me!