We’ve got 10 bacon recipes for bacon lovers everywhere. It’s bacon’s time to shine!
Can we talk for a minute about bacon? Why is it so dang good?! Why does the smell make everyone so happy? Aside from the awesome smell, of course. I have huge bacon lovers in my house and the instant they smell bacon, you can bet they will be in my kitchen trying to snitch pieces of it before I can even say, “PSST! Get out of here!” and clap my hands like I’m scaring off cats. And why is it so expensive? To make life hard, that’s why. So save up your life savings so you can make these bacon recipes. Or something like that.
Quick & Easy Bacon, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Tart
Stout & Sriracha Barbecue Bacon Burgers
BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger Meatballs